How to cancel Amazon order

how to cancel amazon order

Amazon is a company founded in 1994, which is a symbol of the e-commerce market. Its founder is Jeff Bezos, who began his adventure with online trading by selling paper books. Not because we love them – he considered them the product on which he would be the easiest to earn for the start. It draws its strength from personalized recommendations – just like Netflix, which was created around the same time, the VOD market leader. However, how to cancel Amazon orders?

The company thanks to the extensive supply network that is implemented rapidly gains the recognition of many customers. The giant is allowed by the scale at which Amazon operates today, which already employs over 0.5 million people. For a company of this size more important than the profit from a single transaction is the good opinion of all customers.

Amazon branches

Amazon is a global company and has branches in many different countries. It is true that under the domain, the local store does not yet work and directs to the German view, but we live in a global village and the products can be ordered in theory from any Amazon – whether from (United States), or from .uk (United Kingdom), (Italy) etc.

amazon order

How to buy on Amazon

To buy products on Amazon, all you have to do is create an account and provide your payment card details and delivery address. The purchasing process itself looks almost the same as in all other online stores, but it has been deprived of any unnecessary steps that could distract the customer.

When it comes to returning the goods, there is nothing to complain about the colossus, because Amazon is very pro-client. Also interesting is the Amazon Prime option, which is a subscription that provides free delivery and other perks.

How to cancel Amazon orders

Amazon allows you to return both delivered products to your home and those that are waiting to be shipped. The return can be made both from the customer panel, telephone customer service and the application provided by the company.

Using the application:

  • We open the application
  • We choose the “Your orders” tab from the available options
  • Click the appropriate order and enter its details.
  • Click “Cancel order” and go to the order cancellation menu.
  • Click Announce Selected Order.
  • You can also cancel your order by phone by dialing the customer service number. You can find it at

After the order has been canceled, a confirmation email will come to our email inbox. We will receive more along with the change of status – Amazon will inform us about the refund of funds to our account, if they have already been sent. Therefore, we have control over our purchases at all times

Generally, the Amazon store service is quite simple and does not differ from what you will find in most other online stores. Of course, we start all the fun by switching the interface to our language. We do it with the globe icon on the top bar. From now on the site will load automatically in the localized version.



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